Thursday 13 October 2016


I have this dog. Remy. Well that's his name anyways. sold to me as a Dalmatian... However after his growing to 10 months old the vet and I now realise that he is a Dalmatian crossed with a Great Dane... That was a bit of a shock. Especially how he is 10 months old and now weighs 6 stone. geez.

Until I moved into this place, Remy and I were inseparable. Everything we did, we did it together. I miss that. Now I have to try to get hold of the person looking after him, ask if he is busy, work around each others schedules just to see him. Let alone take him out or anything else.

The worst thing is he is such a great dog, like for 10 months old he is so well behaved, in the house, on the lead, off the lead, everything. He loves children and other dogs. He is just the perfect soft giant that everyone is looking for making it all the more harder to even think about giving him up. Which is something that is creeping closer and closer and I know I will have to do because no one can look after whim whilst I am living in this shit hole, Another reason to hate it here. I cant have my baby.

In the last couple of hours it has come to my attention that I cant trust any one wit remy anymore and I have no choice but to re home my beloved dog. I now hat he will be going to on of the best homes I can think of with other doggie friends and amazing care for the rest of his life but he is still mine. and anywhere he goes he always will be. Noting will ever change that for me. Its amazing how one dog can change your whole world right? Maybe one day more people will realise this and not take their perfect puppy for granted when all I want is to have mine back.

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